Regional Services

The  Unity Southwest Region as an organization is designed to fulfill our vision, mission and core values, and to serve the ministers, spiritual leaders, and ministries of the region with loving support.  

The Unity Southwest Region, incorporated in 1958, is a community that is  not only connected personally, but also through a common work toward the awakening of humankind to the Truth of who we are.  

Our mission, which was created in May of 2023, is the energy that propels us forward in this crucial time. 

May the power of the living Spirit of truth awaken in your mind and heart as we move together toward :

 A Vision 

A world powerfully transformed through the growing movement of shared spiritual awakening.

 A Mission

Unity Southwest Region is a catalyst for the collective emergence of Divine consciousness.

 Core Values

Spirit Led

We are guided by Spirit in all that we do.


We welcome diversity and foster an equitable culture of oneness.


We honor our heritage while intentionally seeking evolution and expansion.


We affirm lucidity in purpose and intent. We act with ease and grace.


We share our spiritual understanding connecting in manner that is current in today's world.