Surprise Abundance!

January 1 - March 31, 2025


Surprise Abundance is a program specifically designed to create a consciousness of our innate creative power.  It is about not just remembering but ingraining in every aspect of our lives the good that is available to us.  There have been times in my own life when prosperity became rote.  It was just a given and I begin to take for granted the smaller gifts I received on a daily basis.  This program has opened my eyes to a new and richer way of consciously participating in my own abundance. 


How it works

  • Simply decide. Try it—it works!
  • Join the collective consciousness for prosperity for self and the Unity Southwest Region- make the commitment!
  • Say the Affirmative Prayer for Abundance ALOUD every morning and every evening.
  • See yourself as living abundantly and prosperously in all areas of your life.
  • “Surprise Abundance” refers to any money you receive, over and above your current, normal income.
  • Be in the flow of prosperity by sharing 10% of your Surprise Abundance with Unity Southwest Region. Be sure to designate “Surprise Abundance” on your donation. 
  • Celebrate with the other 90% of your “Surprise Abundance” in whatever way enriches your life. 



My Affirmative Prayer for Abundance

I (your name) know that there is one loving Power operating throughout the universe. I am one with this infinite Source of prosperous abundance. This infinite Resource of abundance is within me and all around me.

So, I ________________, affirm right now, that I am in the flow of full prosperity in all areas of my life: my finances, my health, my career and my loving relationships, especially my relationship with myself. 

I am open and receptive to this prosperous flow of good and I give back in kind, for I know that universal law works in both directions. As I sow, so shall I reap. Therefore, I gratefully share my good with love. I bless it, and it multiplies abundantly. 

I, _______________, am rich in God’s love, and that love is so full it flows with great abundance and enriches me. I reaffirm that I am one with the infinite Source of prosperity and that all good flows to me; that I, ____________, am a prosperous, loving, healthy person involved in exciting creative expression. 

I, ______________, accept this good that enriches me and all with whom I have contact. With gratitude, I release this affirmative prayer into the loving law of the Universe, knowing that its work is already done! And so it is.

(from A Pocket Full of Prayers by Irwin Wolfson, R.Sc.P, Licensed Religious Science Prayer Practitioner)


If you'd like to donate by check please mail payment to:
1042 Willow Creek Rd STE 101A #179, Prescott, AZ 86301 (Please note "Surprise Abundance" on check)