Youth and Family Ministry


Fall Rally Flier

Fall Rally Registration Links Below

Youth and Family Ministry

The intention of this page is to share upcoming events for the regional youth program and resources for the adults who serve our youth.  Unity Youth Ministry honors the perfection of each child and teen in our program. Our lessons are based on the Living Curriculum model that acknowledges that each person already has everything they need within them. Our role is to create opportunities for spiritual reflection and growth as we share Unity tools for Heart-Centered living. In Myrtle Fillmore’s words:

Our mission is not to entertain the children, but to call them out. To be always entertained is to be dwarfed and dependent. To be “called out” is to follow the harmonious law of the soul’s unfoldment. Who meddles with the rosebud? What fingers are deft enough to pry open that marvel of folded beauty? We are wise enough to leave it alone to follow the glad law of its own unfolding, but our children! Have we dealt as wisely with these buds of marvelous possibilities? Have we always remembered that they, too, must quicken and unfold through the innate law of their own genius?- Myrtle Fillmore, co-founder of Unity


General Information and Overview

Our programs are divided into three ministries:

  • Children’s ministry (Unitots, Unikids)—for infants through 5th grade
  • Uniteens—for those in grades 6–8
  • Youth of Unity (Y.O.U.) —for those in grades 9–12

What Unity Believes

Youth Ministry Resources

YFM Training and Credentialing


Southwest Unity Regional Youth & Teen Ministry Events Director

Angie Keyes


Background Checks

All adults who will be attending Regional and/or Sub-Regional Events where minors are present are required to obtain a LiveScan background check. It is a law in California that all youth service organizations register with LiveScan and have LiveScan background checks for all paid staff and all consistent Youth and Family Ministry Volunteers. Since many of our events take place in California, LiveScan background checks are required for all of our volunteers.

If your church does not have a background check program, contact our regional youth and teen event director for support.


Teen Event Information

The Southwest Unity Region’s Teen Ministry is comprised of middle-school and high-school teens, and the adults who support them. We enthusiastically seek Spiritual Truth as we share, support, celebrate and pray with one another.

Events take place throughout the school year for each of the Teen groups.  For each event, every individual (Adult or Teen) needs to fill out a Registration Form (different for every event), Signed Agreements, and a Medical Release Form. If you are applying for a scholarship, there may be an additional form.  Each individual coordinates with their chapter sponsor or Youth Director for transportation and payments. Click on the links below for the standard forms.


Policy Guidelines for Events

Our regional events are supported by adult volunteers from churches around the SW Region who give of their time to support our programs.
Special Needs:
While we value every teen who attends our Unity churches, we do not have the resources for 1:1 support at our regional events. Our events are designed for teens who are able to transition easily between activities, contribute to discussions, participate in group activities, and be independent in their care. In addition, if a teen has a high level of anxiety that interferes with participation, and requires 1:1 support, it is encouraged that the teen continue attending their local church and consider attending a regional event when they can better enjoy the event and participate while feeling safe and relaxed. Please discuss individual situations with the Regional Teen Consultant.
It is our policy that at camp events our wellness person collects & distributes all medications at the event registration check-in. This is to help ensure that everyone receives their proper medications, that they take the correct dose, and that the medications are not accessible to other participants. Since most everyone participating is a minor, it is our goal that participants stay safe and are cared for.
In addition to an announcement at our opening, there is a general announcement at our evening vespers to see our Wellness person for medications before returning to their cabin; and all nightly cabin meetings begin with making sure everyone who needs to see Wellness for medication has done so. This is the same for the morning celebration as well. For home-hosted events, teens will be reminded by sponsors staying with them to take their medications; house sponsors will have a list of medications and allergies for each
Please note: If a teen is on medication(s) that cause them to be unconscious, or hard to wake or move, it is not within our scope of training and staffing to be able to support them during an event. Please discuss individual cases with the Regional Teen Consultant.
Please be aware that every special diet request cannot be accommodated, particularly when at rented camp facilities unless there is a life-threatening food allergy.  Events will be able to accommodate: vegetarian, gluten-free, and dairy-free diets. A combination of any of those diets cannot be guaranteed. It is encouraged that individuals with very specific special diets bring their own foods. Refrigeration is dependent upon availability at each event. Again, life-threatening food allergies have priority.
Refunds cannot be given in full when a cancellation is less than 2 weeks before the event. If the cancellation occurs between 2 weeks prior to the event start, a portion of the registration cost can be applied toward the next event, or an event in that program year. The amount of money that may be applied toward another event will be listed on
registration materials, usually 30% of the registration cost. A full refund will not be given at any time when the cancellation is less than 2 weeks prior to the start of the event.


Adult Agreements

Liability and Photography Release

Medical Release Form

Scholarship Application

YOU Agreements