Rev. Michael A. Schoonover, a California native, has attended Unity Way Church in Vista, California, since 2005. He became Minister in 2017. He holds a BA degree in Communications. Rev. Michael's grandmother was a long-time Unity student. He started diligently studying Unity in the early 1990’s and became a LUT in 2012. Attended Unity Urban Ministerial School and was licensed in 2015 and ordained in 2016. He is fond of saying he is a loyal Fillmorian Unity Truth student of the Holy Invisible Ethers.
Rev. Michael assisted in background research material for the Unity-published book “The Many Faces of Prayer: How the Human Family Meets Its Spiritual Needs,” by Dr. Rev. Thomas W. Shepherd. He also had one of his questions submitted to Shepherd’s Unity Magazine column published in the Unity book entitled “Good Questions.” Rev. Michael sends out weekly inspirational Truth affirmations to over 350 people.
A meta-inspired Bible scholar, Rev. Michael has an extensive collection of originally signed Truth book editions and a massive collection of Unity-printed books, pamphlets, magazines, Daily Words, Weekly Unity, etc. And a loyal Truth student of famed Fillmore teachers, Emma Curtis Hopkins and Annie Rix Militz. He is a practicing meta-physician, lover of ancient metaphysics, and cherishes the healing histories of our beloved Unity School of Christianity movement.