Youth and Family Ministry
The intention of this page is to share upcoming events for the regional youth program and resources for the adults who serve our youth. Unity Youth Ministry honors the perfection of each child and teen in our program. Our lessons are based on the Living Curriculum model that acknowledges that each person already has everything they need within them. Our role is to create opportunities for spiritual reflection and growth as we share Unity tools for Heart-Centered living. In Myrtle Fillmore’s words:
Our mission is not to entertain the children, but to call them out. To be always entertained is to be dwarfed and dependent. To be “called out” is to follow the harmonious law of the soul’s unfoldment. Who meddles with the rosebud? What fingers are deft enough to pry open that marvel of folded beauty? We are wise enough to leave it alone to follow the glad law of its own unfolding, but our children! Have we dealt as wisely with these buds of marvelous possibilities? Have we always remembered that they, too, must quicken and unfold through the innate law of their own genius?- Myrtle Fillmore, co-founder of Unity
General Information and Overview
Our programs are divided into three ministries:
- Children’s ministry (Unitots, Unikids)—for infants through 5th grade
- Uniteens—for those in grades 6–8
- Youth of Unity (Y.O.U.) —for those in grades 9–12
YFM Training and Credentialing
Southwest Unity Regional Youth & Teen Ministry Events Director
Angie Keyes
Background Checks
All adults who will be attending Regional and/or Sub-Regional Events where minors are present are required to obtain a LiveScan background check. It is a law in California that all youth service organizations register with LiveScan and have LiveScan background checks for all paid staff and all consistent Youth and Family Ministry Volunteers. Since many of our events take place in California, LiveScan background checks are required for all of our volunteers.
If your church does not have a background check program, contact our regional youth and teen event director for support.
Teen Event Information
The Southwest Unity Region’s Teen Ministry is comprised of middle-school and high-school teens, and the adults who support them. We enthusiastically seek Spiritual Truth as we share, support, celebrate and pray with one another.
Events take place throughout the school year for each of the Teen groups. For each event, every individual (Adult or Teen) needs to fill out a Registration Form (different for every event), Signed Agreements, and a Medical Release Form. If you are applying for a scholarship, there may be an additional form. Each individual coordinates with their chapter sponsor or Youth Director for transportation and payments. Click on the links below for the standard forms.
Policy Guidelines for Events
Liability and Photography Release